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元塾講師 / 25才 / 2019年10月〜ベトナム住 / プログラミングと英語を実践中 / 将来の夢は発展途上国で学校運営







Saudi Arabia has launched the ultimate oil power play. Here's what it stands to gain

「oil saugi」の画像検索結果




Global fallout

S&P Global this week noted that medium sized American producers Apache, Devon and Murphy Oil already slashed their budgets by a third due to the global market collapse and their high levels of debt. They simply cannot play hardball with their state-owned counterparts of the Middle East.

「国際的下落。S&Pグローバルは今週中堅企業アメリカ製造会社Apache,Devon and Murpy Oilは国際市場の崩壊と債務レベルの高騰により予算の3分の1を削減したと記した。彼らは簡単に中東国有相手とハンドボールできない。」


A Saudi source with knowledge of the situation said that starting a price war was not in the Vienna plan. The source talked about working to pursue a different outcome -- arguing that the Russians came to the meeting determined to end the expansion of US shale producers. A Russian government source said they were willing to compromise, but not go as deep or as long on production cuts as Riyadh wanted.
US energy companies are being caught in the crossfire, with oil prices down 50% from their January peak and at the lowest level since early 2016. The US Energy Information Administration said American oil output would rise by a slower than expected 760,000 barrels per day this year and would drop by over 300,000 in 2021.
crossfire 十字砲火



Today, the United States remains the world's largest producer. Come April, Saudi Arabia will likely take the number two slot with Russia dropping down a notch, with limited capacity to expand. Some believe the price war will not be over until the Kingdom retakes the global production crown.












