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元塾講師 / 25才 / 2019年10月〜ベトナム住 / プログラミングと英語を実践中 / 将来の夢は発展途上国で学校運営

<124days>CNN語彙力&読解力UP 「透明な窓。しかし、太陽光を吸収し電気へ<part2>」







This company wants to turn your windows into solar panels

SolarGaps is raising funds for SolarGaps - Energy Generating Solar ...



That does mean some of the energy is lost.
"Their basic drawback is their relatively low efficiency," said Anne Grete Hestnes, a professor of architecture at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology who specializes in solar energy. "However, it is all a question of price. If the transparent cells are cheaper, and if the cells are to cover a relatively large area ... it may be the better solution," she added.
Barr said Ubiquitous Energy's transparent panels can produce up to two-thirds of the energy that traditional panels do. And he said they cost about 20% more to install than a regular window, a cost he claims is offset by the electricity they generate.

「これはいくつかのエネルギーは失われることを意味する。"基本的な欠点は効率が比較的低いことです。"とAnne Grete Hestnes、ソーラーエネルギー専門のN大学教授は語った。"しかし、それは全て価格の問題です。もし変換電池が安く、そしてもしその電池が比較的広いエリアをカバーすることになったらーー、それはより良い解決策になるかもしれない。"と彼女は付け加えた。Barrはユビキタスエネルギーパネルは従来のパネルよりも3分の2のエネルギーで製造が可能だと語った。そして彼はそれらが一般的な窓よりも20%以上取付けるのに費用がかかると語り、彼が言うコストは彼が生み出す電気的なものによって偏る、としている。」


The company wants its solar windows to complement traditional rooftop panels rather than replace them. The combination of both methods, according to Barr, could bring the net energy consumption of large buildings to zero — meaning they produce as much electricity as they consume.
Ubiquitous Energy has started installing its solar windows on buildings, including at its headquarters in Redwood City where it manufactures the glass panels.
"We are already installing and selling ClearView Power windows in limited sizes, and we're in the planning phase for a facility that we'll be able to produce windows at any size," Barr said.

「同社はそのソーラーパネルを従来の屋上パネルと置き換えるよりも補完することを望んでいる。両方使用では、Barrによれば、大きな建物の消費エネルギーを0にできるとしており、これは消費する電力と同じくらいの電気をそれらが生産することを意味している。ユビキタスエネルギーはビルのソーラーウィンドウに取り付けられ始めており、それは、ガラスパネルを製造するRedwood City の本社も含めている。"私たちはすでにクリアビューパワーを限定サイズで売って取り付けはじめており、私たちはどんなサイズの窓も生産可能な設備を作る計画に今いる。"とBarrは語った。」


However, the coronavirus outbreak has forced much of the company's production planning to be done remotely. But Barr said it is still making "significant progress."
"It's still a bit early to tell what the full effects of the global pandemic will be, including for our business," said Barr, adding that he is "still optimistic we'll be able to begin manufacturing activities in the next two years."
By that point, he anticipates Ubiquitous Energy will be closer to justifying its name: "We really see the future of this technology as being applied everywhere, all around us, ubiquitous."










