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元塾講師 / 25才 / 2019年10月〜ベトナム住 / プログラミングと英語を実践中 / 将来の夢は発展途上国で学校運営











記事は10月16日で、その日はNational Boss Dayらしいです。






It's National Boss's Day. Here's how to have the best relationship with your boss





Happy National Boss's Day!

Your boss plays a big role in the trajectory of your career. A good boss that encourages new challenges and helps grow your skills and provides you with exposure to management can rocket you up the career ladder, while a bad one can stunt your growth and make you feel trapped.

trejectory 弾道 / 曲線 / 軌道

stunt 発育を妨げる

trap 閉じ込める / 罠にはめる

 「Happy Natinal Boss's Day ! あなたのボスはあなたのキャリアの軌道で大きな役割をになっています。いいボスは新しいチャレンジを勇気づけ、あなたのスキルを育て、あなたに経営陣への露出を与えることであなたのキャリアアップに梯子をかけることができる。一方よくないボスはあなたの成長を妨げ、あなたは閉じ込められたと感じるだろう。」


What makes a good boss?

Micromanagers beware.
While not a lot of people like their boss, it's really not that hard to be a good one. We asked CNN Business readers what they want from their boss and they said it's all about trust, respect and support.
Here are the five characteristics bosses should pay attention to if they aspire to be a great leader.

 micromanager マイクロマネージャー、細部まで管理する人

be ware 気を付ける

aspire 熱望する / 大志を抱く 

 「いい上司とは何か?マイクロマネージャーは気をつけて。ボスのような多くの人々はいないですが、良いボスになるにはそれほど難しいものではありません。私たちはCNN Businessの読者に上司にして欲しいことを尋ねた。そして彼らは信頼や尊敬、サポートについての全てを語った。こちらは、もし素晴らしいリーダになることを熱望するなら5つのボスの特徴に注意を払うべきだ、というもの。」


Help, my boss hates me

So here's the thing: You need to get along with your boss.
Your manager has the power to promote or fire you, speak up for you or assign you high-profile projects. So, it's in your best interest to forge a good relationship.
If you and your boss are on rocky ground, don't worry. There are steps you can take to mend the relationship.
Step one: Stop complaining. Walking around the office lamenting to your peers about the situation hurts your brand and could eventually make its way back to your boss and damage the relationship even further.
Step two is to start paying more attention to your boss's work style and adapt to better fit their expectations. It also helps to pay attention to when the boss is giving kudos to get a better sense of what appeals to them.
Read more about how to fix the relationship here.

 get along with 仲良くする (along with 〜と一緒 / 〜と同伴で)

forge 炉 / 鉄工所 / 鍛える / 作り上げる / 模造する

mend 直す / 縫う / 改める / 改良する

lament 嘆き悲しむ / 哀悼する

peer 同等の存在 / 同僚

kudos 名声 / 名誉 / 称賛

get a sense 理解する



Your boss works all the time

We all want to impress the boss, but when your boss is working 24/7 it's hard to keep up.
Having a workaholic boss can mean working long hours and sacrificing personal time to meet all the demands. It can also lead to burnout.
But here's the thing: You can't change your boss. The key is setting boundaries and sticking to them.
Speaking of bosses that work around the clock: What happens when you get a text from your boss late at night or over the weekend? Do you have to respond?

 workaholic 仕事中毒

burnout 燃え尽きる



I want to be a boss some day

If you strive to eventually move up the ladder and become someone's boss, you have to prove you have strong management skills. But don't worry: You don't have to be sitting at the top of the org chart to be a leader in the office.
Even if you don't currently have a management role, you can still highlight your leadership capabilities without stepping on anyone's toes.
org スケジュール管理ソフト(Organizerの略)
toes 足の指
highlight 脚光 / 強調する
showcase 陳列 / 展示 / 展示する / 陳列する

「私はいつかボスになりたい。もしあなたが結局は平社員抜け出すことに飢えて誰かのボスになるなら、あなたは強力なマネジメントスキルを磨かないといけない。しかし、心配するな:あなたはオフィスでリーダーになるためのorg chartのトップにいる必要はない。あなたが現在マネジメントの役割を持っていなくても、誰かの足の指を踏むことなく、あなたはまだリーダーシップの能力を強調することができます。こちらは、あなたのリーダーシップを見せるためのあなたの今のポジションでできることです。」


Attention bosses: Your mood plays a big role in the office

Germs aren't the only thing that can spread quickly in the office. Emotions are contagious -- particularly those from the top.
Your bad mood not only affects your work performance, but it can also influence your team.
Negative emotions can be detrimental to the office: they can hurt productivity, morale and quality of work and can increase absenteeism.
Here's how you can stop the spread of negative emotions and create a productive and harmonious workplace.
germ 細菌 / 芽生え / 兆し 
contagious 伝染病の / うつりやすい
detrimental 有害な / 有害に
absenteeism 地主の不在 / 無断欠勤







