B-style の BLOG

元塾講師 / 25才 / 2019年10月〜ベトナム住 / プログラミングと英語を実践中 / 将来の夢は発展途上国で学校運営














Your boss hates you. What do you do?




You aren't always going to get along with everyone you work with, but when it comes to your boss, it's in your best interest to forge a good relationship. 

"The relationship has a big impact on the trajectory of your career," said Dana Brownlee, author of "The Unwritten Rules of Managing Up." "It's hard to be successful when your boss isn't your biggest advocate."
After all, your manager has the power to promote or fire you, speak up for you or assign you high-profile projects.
So how can you turn it around if you and your boss don't get along?

 trajectory 弾道 / 軌道



関心の中にある。"関係性はあなたのキャリアの軌道に大きなインパクトを持つ。"と"The Unwritten Rules of Managing Up"の著者Dana Brownleeは語った。"あなたのボスがあなたの最も大きな唱導者ではない時、成功することは難しい。"結局、あなたのマネージャーはあなたを昇給させるための、クビにするための、あなたに声をあげるための、あなたに高レベルなプロジェクトにアサインするための力を持っている。では、もしあなたと上司が仲良くないなら、あなたはどのように舵を切ることができる?」


Don't play the victim

If you're having issues with your boss, don't walk around the office lamenting your woes.
"It will spiral on you," said Steve Arneson, author of "What Your Boss Really Wants from You." Complaining to your peers hurts your brand and could eventually make its way back to your boss and damage the relationship even further.
"You have to be careful not to gossip or spread the story that the boss is out to get you, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy," he said.
woe 悲観 / 悲しみ / 災難 / 苦悩(発音はウォー)
lament 嘆き悲しむ / 哀悼する
spiral 螺旋の
prophency 予言
self-fulfilling 自己実現的な

「被害者のように演じるな。もしあなたが上司となんか問題を抱えているなら、あなたの悲しみを哀悼しながらオフィスを歩き回らないように。"あなたをスパイラルの中に置く"と"What Your Boss Really Wants from You"の著者Steve Arnesonは語った。あなたの同僚に不平を言うことはあなたのブランドを傷つけ、結局はあなたのボスにそれが伝わり、さらに関係を壊す。"あなたはゴシップやあなたの上司があなたを捕まえようとする話を広げないように注意深くならなければいけない。それは自己実現的な予言になる"と彼は語った。」


Start studying

We all have different working styles, and it's ideal when both managers and employees are flexible to meet each others' needs.
"You need to take more responsibility for the relationship than they do," said Arneson. "You need to go at least 51% of the way. You don't have to do 90% of work, but you better have the attitude of taking responsibility of the relationship and not leave it to them."
For instance, some bosses have an open-door policy while others prefer you set up an appointment before walking into their office. Some want to be heavily involved in every project while other bosses take a more hands-off approach.
"I didn't like it when a boss wanted to meet 10 times on a 20-page deck, but I had to go with it. I had to accept that," said Arneson.
Brownlee said there are two types of workers: task-focused and relationship-focused. Task-focused workers don't want a lot of chitchat upfront and just want to get down to work, while relationship-focused people tend to be open to more conversation before getting started.
"You want to adjust to what it is they need and the type of person they are," she said.
Pay attention to when the boss is giving kudos to get a better sense of what appeals to them.
"Bosses talk about qualities in others they admire or like," said Arneson. Pay attention to what behaviors get rewarded and punished and ask detailed follow-up questions when they talk about someone in a positive way to get clues on what they're looking for. "Then you can lean toward those qualities a little more."
deck 甲板 / 船のデッキ / 床
upfront 素直に
kudos 名声 / 栄誉 / 威厳 / 賞賛








