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元塾講師 / 25才 / 2019年10月〜ベトナム住 / プログラミングと英語を実践中 / 将来の夢は発展途上国で学校運営











Huawei CEO: We can survive an even tougher fight with the United States

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Huawei's founder and CEO had a confident message for the business leaders and politicians gathering in Davos: His company can withstand even greater hostility from the United States.

"Since we already gained experience from last year and we got a stronger team, I think we are more confident that we can survive even further attacks," Ren Zhengfei said Tuesday during a panel at the World Economic Forum.
hostility 敵意
withstand 耐える

 「Huawei設立者兼CEOはダボスに集まるビジネスリーダーと政治家に向けて自信のあるメッセージを発信した:彼の企業はアメリカからたとえ最大の敵意があったとしても耐えることができる。"昨年から私たちはすでに多くの経験を手にいれ、そして強力なチームになって以来、私は、私たちはもっと自信を持って私たちがたとえさらなる攻撃があっても生き残ることができるだろう、と考えいている。"とRen Zhengheihaは火曜日に世界経済会議で語った。」


Despite a fragile truce between China and the United States on trade, with the "phase one" deal signed in Washington last week, the world's two largest economies remain locked in a battle over tech supremacy. Huawei is at the center of that fight.
Last year, the United States placed the Chinese smartphone and telecom equipment maker on an export blacklist, restricting its ability to buy components from American suppliers. Bloomberg has reported that the US government is weighing even tougher limits on the company.

 fragile truce  壊れやすい休戦

supremacy 至上 / 至高



The Trump administration is also pushing allies such as the United Kingdom and Germany to exclude Huawei equipment from their 5G networks. US officials argue that the company poses a national security threat, an accusation Huawei denies.
Ren, speaking on a panel titled "A Future Shaped by a Technology Arms Race," said that the company's business remained solid after it was added to the US blacklist in 2019.
"It didn't hurt us much," he said. "We basically withstood the challenges." In the event of further escalation, he said, "the impact on Huawei's business would not be very significant."

ally 味方 

「また、トランプ政権は、5GネットワークからHuawei設備を排除するイギリスとドイツのような味方を支援している。アメリカの高官たちはその企業が国内の安全保障の脅威となる、と非難している、とし、Huaweiは告発を否定している。"テクノロジーアムスレースによって形作られる将来"とするパネルラベルで話したRenはその企業のビジネスは2019年にアメリカにブラックリストにそれが加えられたことの後に固まったままだとした。"それはあんまり私たちを傷付けなかった"と彼は語った。"和たちは基本的にその挑戦に耐えた。" さらにエスカレーションの状態にあるなかで、彼は"Huaweiビジネスのインパクトはとても甚大にはならないだろう"と語った。」


A top Huawei executive said in December that sales revenue for 2019 grew an estimated 18% compared to the previous year, though he conceded that 2020 could be more difficult.
Huawei remains in a sensitive political position. Meng Wanzhou, Ren's daughter and the company's chief financial officer, is in court in Vancouver this week for hearings that could eventually determine whether she'll be extradited to the United States, where she faces charges of bank fraud and sanctions violations.

 concede 認める

fraud 詐欺( 発音はフロード )

sanction 制裁 / 裁可

violation 違反

charge 容疑

extrandit 引き渡す

 「Huaweiの上層幹部は12月に,2019年の売り上げによる利益は前年と比較して推定18%成長したとかたり、だが、彼は2020年はより難しくなる可能性があると認めた。Huaweiは依然として微妙な政治的立場にある。Meng WanzhouというRenの娘でその企業の財務部の最高責任者は、彼女が銀行詐欺や制裁違反の容疑に直面していて、アメリカに身柄が引き渡されるかどうかを最終的に決定する公聴会のために今週Vancouverの裁判所の中にいる。」


Her arrest a little more than a year ago remains a flash point in relations between Washington and Beijing. Canada's role in detaining Meng has also strained its ties with China.
Ren told attendees in Davos that he does not think the growing fight over technology will result in two distinct systems controlled by separate world powers. "Science is about one truth," he said. And he maintained that "the development of technology is not for bad but for good."

 flash point 引火点

detain 拘束する

strain 緊張する

distinct 明確な



Fear over technology like artificial intelligence, Ren said, is reminiscent of fears tied to atomic energy when he was young. Since then, it's become clear that nuclear energy has some positive applications, such as in medicine, he said.
Plus, "AI is not as damaging as atom bombs," he said.
reminiscent 思い出させて / 追憶の 
