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元塾講師 / 25才 / 2019年10月〜ベトナム住 / プログラミングと英語を実践中 / 将来の夢は発展途上国で学校運営













Apple, Google, Microsoft, Dell and Tesla are sued over alleged child labor in Congo




An international advocacy group has accused Apple, Google, Microsoft, Dell and Tesla of "knowingly benefiting from" the use of young children to mine cobalt in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

International Rights Advocates filed a federal class action against the five companies in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, where the group is based. The complaint claims that the firms "are knowingly benefiting from and aiding and abetting the cruel and brutal use of young children" to mine cobalt in extremely dangerous conditions.
adbocacy 弁護 / 唱導者
mine 採掘する
file 提出する / ファイル
cruel 冷酷 / ひどい
brutal 冷酷な / 残忍な  /粗暴な
aid 助ける
abet けしかける / 先導する



The defendants have known for a "significant period of time" that Congo's mining sector "is dependent upon children," the complaint said, adding that cobalt mined in the region is listed as a good produced by child labor or forced labor by the US Department of Labor. 

good 商品

Department 部門 / 省



"Further, the horrors of the plight of these children has been widely reported in the media," the complaint said, citing reports about the cobalt pipeline published by the Washington Post, the Guardian and others.
Cobalt is a major component of lithium-ion batteries found in virtually every rechargeable electronic gadget. Two-thirds of the world's cobalt comes from Congo.

 further さらに

cite 引用する / 例に出す

component 構成している / 成分の



In 2018, a CNN investigation found that child labor and corruption was still rife there. Many companies including Tesla told CNN at the time that they were unable to fully trace out their supply chains due to what they described as the complex nature of sourcing the precious metal. But the electric carmaker also said it sourced most of its cobalt from suppliers outside Congo and was "committed to only sourcing responsibly-produced materials." Apple was one of only a few companies to reveal their suppliers to CNN. 

corruption 堕落 / 贈賄 / 汚職

rife 流行して / 広まって

trace 追跡する / 由来する

commit 約束する



The new suit was filed on behalf of more than a dozen anonymous plaintiffs, who are described as "guardians of children killed in tunnel or wall collapses" while mining, or "children who were maimed in such accidents."
The complaint details several cases involving children it claims were injured, including one boy who slipped and fell while working in a mine and is "now completely paralyzed from his chest down."

 suit 訴える

dozen ダース / 数十の

maim 傷つける / 感情を傷つける

paralyze 麻痺する

chest down 胸から下











