B-style の BLOG

元塾講師 / 25才 / 2019年10月〜ベトナム住 / プログラミングと英語を実践中 / 将来の夢は発展途上国で学校運営







Facebook has a coronavirus problem. It's WhatsApp.

「whatsup corona」の画像検索結果


One popular — but incorrect — theme is that "hot fluids neutralize the virus, so avoid drinking ice water," or that drinking water every 15 to 20 minutes will flush the virus to your stomach where it will be killed by acid.
An image spread on WhatsApp and other platforms shows an illustration of a human head and throat. The accompanying message, written in Spanish, claims that drinking a lot of water and gargling with salt or vinegar will eliminate the virus. "Spread this information because you could save someone," it says.
hot fluidsあつい液体 
gargling うがいをする
eliminate 排除する



Medical experts and the World Health Organization say that while staying hydrated is important, drinking hot or cold water, or gargling, does not prevent the coronavirus infection.

Other messages sent on WhatsApp have warned that countries will go on lockdown and that people need to stock up on supplies. In the United States, the messages claim the lockdown is part of the "Stafford Act" and that people should "stock up on whatever you guys need to make sure you have a two week supply of everything." The US National Security Council tweeted that this message is fake.




While similar messages are being shared via text and on other social media, their proliferation on WhatsApp and the difficulty in stopping them makes the service an outlier compared to sister platforms Facebook and Instagram, which have taken more robust and direct efforts to combat coronavirus misinformation. (All three platforms are owned by Facebook.)

How to stop the spread

WhatsApp, which compares itself to traditional SMS text services instead of social media platforms, encrypts conversations, meaning they only live on users' phones. Though encryption is seen as a plus for security, WhatsApp is blind to what's being said in messages — and that makes it difficult to police or moderate content.

「似たようなメッセージがvia textや他のSNSで共有されている一方で、WhatsApp上でのそれらの増長やサービスを止めることへの難しさは姉妹サイトのfacebookやインスタグラムでも比較されており、コロナウイルスの誤った情報と戦うためのより直接的で今日よくな努力をとっている。(それら3つ全てはfacebookが所有している)。広がりの止め方。WhatsApp。ソーシャルメディアプラットフォームの代わりとなる従来のSMSテキストサービスと比較して、ユーザーフォン上にのみ動いていることを意味している会話を暗号化している。暗号化はセキュリティでプラスと見えるが、WhatsAppはメッセージのなかで言われていることを知らない。ーこれにより、コンテンツのモデレートや管理をすることは難しい。」



