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元塾講師 / 25才 / 2019年10月〜ベトナム住 / プログラミングと英語を実践中 / 将来の夢は発展途上国で学校運営










Inside the WHO's fight to stop false information about coronavirus from spreading

「corona WHO」の画像検索結果


As the coronavirus spreads further into Europe and the Americas, another infection is spreading: an epidemic of misinformation online.

Dubbed the "infodemic" by health officials, the flood of posts includes conspiracy theories about the origins of the novel coronavirus, dangerous advice about spurious treatments, and unreliable reports of vaccines.
The World Health Organization is now aggressively trying stop the spread of misleading and false information around COVID-19 by forging an alliance with the big tech companies such as Facebook (FB) and Google (GOOGL).
 dubbed 呼ばれる
flood 洪水
conspiracy 陰謀
spurious 偽の
unreliable 信頼できない
vaccines ワクチン
forging an alliance with 同盟を結ぶ



Andy Pattison, who's leading the battle against the online menace for the WHO, told CNN Business that after witnessing the rapid spread of misinformation surrounding a measles outbreak in 2018, the organization started pushing social media and tech companies to give it a direct line to the platforms to flag posts that could harm people's health.

Aside from bad information about the coronavirus and how it spreads, the WHO is especially concerned about so called "cures" or "treatments," some of which involve ingesting products which are dangerous. And as the virus has spread way beyond China, so has the misinformation.
"Like a disease outbreak, it changes and fluctuates over the weeks," Pattison said.
At first, the misinformation was about where the disease came from and who was carrying it. Then the focus shifted to treatment.
menace 脅威
ingest 摂取する

Andy Pattison,彼はWHOのオンライン脅威に対して争いをリードしている人物で、CNN businessに対して、2018年に麻疹の流行を取り巻く急速な広がりを目撃したのち、WHOは人々の健康を害する可能性のある投稿をまとめるためにプラットフォームを直接ラインとして創設したテック企業とソーシャルメディアを後押しした。コロナについての悪い情報とその広がりの状況のそばで、WHOは特に"ケア"と"治療"と呼ばれるものについて心配しており、そのうちのいくつかは危険な製品の摂取を取り巻く。そしてウイルスが中国に沿って広がるので、結果偽情報が広がっている。"病気のアウトブレイクのように、数週間に渡って変化し変動する。"とPattisonは語った。はじめに、偽情報は病気の由来についてと誰がそれを運んだのかについてだった。その後治療に焦点が移った。


"The wave that we're in now is quite a new one — the fear factor," he said, referring to misinformation about face masks and hand sanitizer. "We're trying to to quell these rumors about panic shopping, mass buying, and try and get to the bottom of the actual truth, which is going to help people."
Pattison traveled to Silicon Valley last month and hosted a meeting of more than a dozen tech companies like Google and FacebookTwitter (TWTR) and travel sites such as AirBnB and Expedia (EXPE). He wanted to identify how best to tamp down on bad information and make sure facts from sources such as the WHO and the US Centers for Disease Control are what people see first.
 rumors 噂
quell 沈める
tamp down 切り詰める

「"私たちが今いる波は最も新しいものの1つで、ー恐怖要因だ。"と彼は語り、マスクや手の消毒剤についての偽情報に言及している。"私たちはパニックショッピングや大衆買についての噂を沈めようとしています。そして人々を助ける実在の真実の底をえようとしている。" Pattisonはシリコンバレーを先月まわり、GooglefacebookTwitterAirBnB,EXPEのような大手12社以上と会議を行った。彼は悪い情報をどのように切り詰めるかという方法を特定したかったしWHOや国民がはじめに情報としてみるアメリ疾病対策センターのような情報源からの確かな事実を作りたかった。」


Now he and his team are in daily contact with the social media platforms, flagging posts that need to be taken down, fast.
"We're talking minutes sometimes if we're all online at the same time," Pattison said.
But Pattison's team is small — the WHO's communications team has 30 people and just three are dedicated to combing social media and flagging problematic posts. They use artificial intelligence tools to help keep watch on key phrases and accounts known for conspiracy theories.
Facebook, which has been slammed in the past for allowing politicians to lie on its platform, announced Tuesday that it is giving organizations including the WHO "as many free ads as they need" to get out accurate information.






